I'm starting this blog to introduce the world to every day, yet unforgettable little moments, experiences and events in My New York City. I'm targeting everyone, from the person who never visited us, to the person who has been here once or twice, to that person who makes it a habit to visit us constantly, and yes, I'm even targeting those New Yorkers that refuse to leave their comfort zone. The name mentions Big Apple Moments, but I promise to be diverse in my posts and write about Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. I don't plan to venture into Long Island and Staten Island just yet, but will leave that as a possible option for the future.
I will need your help. I want feedback. I want suggestions. I want ideas. I want invitations. Tell me where you are and why I should be there, and I promise to do my very best to visit your favorite corner, your favorite shop, your favorite business, your favorite spot in NY. I'll be doing this alone, so please send me your invitations and I will respond to each invitation in the order that it is received.
I plan to write reviews for each one of the spots that I visit. I am probably one of the easiest people in the world to please. So if you want me to visit your favorite spot in NYC, shoot me an invitation. Please include a name and phone number for me to reply to. I will contact you and set up a date to visit you. I will then write my review the following day.
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